Just your average zillennial trying to make a career out of something I don't hate doing.

I might be shy and awkward at first, but under that is a sarcastic, creative, and passionate person who quotes movies, shows, vines, and tiktoks way too much. If you can't find me, I am most likely trying to befriend an animal I found. I was voted "Most likely to be your boss", so it comes to no one's surprise that I've found myself where I am today. I'm stoked to have you here, and hope to get to know you and your love story!

I might be shy and awkward at first, but under that is a sarcastic, creative, and passionate person who quotes movies, shows, vines, and tiktoks way too much. If you can't find me, I am most likely trying to befriend an animal I found. In high school I was voted "Most Likely to be Your Boss", so it comes to no one's surprise that I've found myself where I am today. I'm stoked to have you here, and hope to get to know you and your love story!

about me

Me in character

- Mara

Hey there!!

pov: you're the awkward yearbook nerd who never put down the camera

Hours I've played The Sims

Number of states I've traveled to

Age I got my first camera






As a neurospicy creative, I am constantly coming up with new ideas and trying to get better at the things I enjoy. If at first I don't succeed, I put it to the side and forget about it for a minimum of 6 months.

In my (limited) free time, I like to travel when possible, or when I'm stuck at home, I love to go on walks with my dog and to spend time with my boyfriend (usually playing video games, or eating at one of our favorite local restaurants). I can get into a spiral of researching the most random facts (did you know dogs sweat from their paws??), and spend way too much time watching YouTube videos from my favorite creators. I'm trying to get into reading, but I usually end up falling asleep on the couch (no matter how good the book is).

I'm always down for an adventure, as long as I have a good playlist or podcast to listen to. Let me know your craziest idea, and I'm sure I will talk us both into it ASAP.

Director's chair

Random facts about me

picking up what i'm putting down?

Get in touch